
"No, it's just the letter. 'U'"
"My mom said it's y-o-u."
"Three letters, it's stupid to have just one."

I distinctly remember arguing about how to spell 'you' (after debating whether or not the Tooth Fairy exists or not) -- I of course, was correct. You.
I feel kind of sorry for you (the word) it's so overrun by what comes before it. ie. Love/Hate
Yet, it's such a beautiful little thing. It identifies, and it connects.
When someone says you, to me, it's an instant connection. It's personal.
It's not him, or her, it's me. It's to the person speaking, you. One. Singular.
It's those little words that can be looked at as nothing, brush them off, use them to get to the point. The emotion. Little things are often forgotten.

1 comment:

Fedora said...

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